Saturday, 6 September 2014

how To Get Rid Of Bad Breath

Natural Home Remedies For Bad


Bad breath is mostly caused due to poor dental health habits and other health habits. Medical name of bad breath is halitosis. The food you eat and unhealthy lifestyle habits also affect the breath.


Things you eat also affect your breath:

Commonly whatever food we eat should be chewed in the mouth. After digesting food is absorbed in the body’s blood stream, which is carried to the lungs and comes out in the breath. Foods with strong odors like onion and garlic, following several things like flossing, brushing and mouth washing which hardly reduces the bad breath and it does not help you cover the odor. The foods should pass out from the body in order to kill the odor.

Poor habits do cause Bad Breath:

Brushing and flossing should be done on a regular basis; if not the food particles which remain in the teeth after you eat produces bacteria around the gums, in between the teeth and around the tongue which increases the chances of causing bad breath. Dentures should be cleaned properly to get rid of the odor causing bacteria and food particles.
Tobacco based products and habits like smoking are also responsible for the cause of bad breath, resulting teeth to get stained, damaging taste glands and irritating sensation in gums.

Health Problems those are associated with Bad Breath:

Mostly gum diseases are caused due to bad breath. Symptoms of gum diseases like periodontal are causing bad taste in mouth or persistent bad breath. Plaque that is built up on the teeth causes gum diseases. Irritation occurs in the gums because of the toxins that are formed in the mouth which are caused by bacteria. There is chance of your jawbone and gums to get damaged, due to improper     treatment of gum disease.
Dental appliances that are poorly fit, yeast infections of mouth and dental caries are some of the other causes of bad breath.
Dry mouth which is medically called xerostomia also causes ad breath. In order to keep the mouth wet, moisten and cleansing the mouth producing some neutralized acids with the help of plaque and washing away dead cells which are gathered on tongue, gums and teeth, saliva is needed. If dead cells are decomposed bad breath can be caused. Breathing through mouth, problems of salivary gland and side effects of various medications causes dry mouth.
Illness or several other diseases also cause bad breath. Infections like pneumonia or bronchitis which are related to respiratory tract, sinus infections, postnasal drip, chronic acid reflux and liver or kidney problems should be aware of.
In social situations like talking to someone, it will be uncomfortable, uneasy and unpleasant if you are having bad breath.
A simple solution that quickly covers the bad breath is chewing a mint, but this does not help in finding out the main cause of bad breath. Deficiency in diet is also a reason for causing bad breath. Foods you eat, your habits and your health conditions cause bad breath.

Examine Your Hygiene Habits:

Following certain habits like swishing with hydrogen peroxide solution and baking soda, periodic teeth cleanings, flossing and brushing before and after meals, cleaning your tongue will help you reduce bad breath. If problem still remains the same, it can be considered that some health problem or deficiency in nutrition is making your mouth cause bad breath.
Here are some of the simple and quick home remedies that can help you get rid of bad breath (halitosis). Following the natural remedies listed below will help you cure bad breath issues

Before going for remedies you need to take certain precautions to control and get rid of bad breath

  • Regularly brush and floss your teeth daily two times. Clean your mouth thoroughly.
  • Always brush your teeth with a fluoride toothpaste to eliminate plaque and food debris
  • Using floss will help in the removal of food and bacteria that is trapped between your teeth, as the trapped food is not going to smell good. Sometimes bad breath may lead to periodontal disease.
  • Use a tongue cleaner. Clean or brush your tongue properly, as the bacteria left behind on your tongue leads to bad breath.
  • Ditch wearing your dentures during sleep, clean them thoroughly and leave them outside to dry until next morning.
  • Drinking lots of water will help you get rid of bad breath. This helps you a lot as, the main reason for bad breath id dehydration. Drinking water helps you ward off the bacteria in your mouth throughout the day.
  • Smelly breath may be caused due to a dry mouth. Generally, dry mouth is caused as a result of dead cells decomposition, which may cause bad odour. Saliva always helps you keep your mouth clean. The antibacterial action of saliva helps you wash off trapped food particles and also neutralizes bacteria. Saliva flow will be less in the nights; this is the reason why you have bad breath smells after waking up early in the morning. Saliva production gets stimulated if you suck some sugarless mints or chew gum.
    • Be careful while choosing gums, select gums that have the ability to fight bad breath. Cinnamon flavor will help reduce bacteria in your mouth and the gum that contains xylitol helps you prevent the bacteria from replicating.
  • Stress always dries out your mouth, resulting in bad breath. So never stress out
  • Do not take potent foods like onions, garlic or any foods that contain sulfur compounds. Even some kinds of fish, like anchovies, seaweed have some fishy amine odors. Though tasty they have pungent odour so avoid such foods, as they may cause bad breath.
  • Make a habit of using mouthwash, as it always keeps your mouth wet and prevents your mouth from smelling badly.
  • Avoid chewing or smoking tobacco-based products, as they may lead to bad smell in your mouth.
  • Swish water after every meal. This will stipulate the production of saliva.
If the problem of bad breath still persists they go ahead and follow some simple natural home remedies or if the problem is very severe then consult your dentist, as neglecting this problem may cause various health disorders like diabetic ketoacidosis, tonsil stones etc.

Simple natural remedies to avoid bad breath:

Baking soda

Baking soda is an effective treatment for bad breath. It helps you clean your teeth properly and get fresh breath. In order to get fresh breath, dip a damp toothbrush into baking soda and brush your teeth.


Fresh vegetables help you to get rid of bad odour. Vegetables like celery and carrots and celery, fight against bacteria and plaque and makes your breath smelling good.

Eat banana and apples

If you are dieting, then while breaking down fat ketones are created, usually these ketones smell very bad, some of these kotones that are released in the mouth cause bad breath. To avoid this, eat card-rich foods such as bananas and apples.
Also remember that, foods like garlic, onions, coffee and cheese stink badly, so avoid eating these notorious foods


Bad breath may also be caused due to many reasons like heavy metal build up, overgrowth of yeast, and other release of various toxins inside the body. To avoid this problem you need to flush out the system with the help of dietary intervention.
Some herbs like stinging nettle will help eliminate toxins from your body and also helps in purifying the blood. It stimulates the lymphatic system and boosts the uric acid excretion through your kidneys, and improves adrenal function, to get rid of halitosis.

Supplement with Zinc

Deficiency of zinc mineral leads to poor healing, halitosis, immunity and inflammation. Intake of zinc supplements helps you maintaining a bacteria-free and clean mouth. Some of the foods that are rich in zinc are cacao, pumpkin, gourd seeds, organ meats and some mouthwashes with antimicrobial action help you in getting rid of harmful germs.


Bad breath may be caused due to poor gut health. The digestive tract will be filled with toxins, due to excessive usage of antibiotics and poor dietary habits. These habits will leave your digestive system in mess and bad breath may be caused as a side effect. Supplementing with foods that are rich in probiotics like yogurt, kombucha tea and fermented sauerkraut, is a natural remedy for eliminating bad breath.


Low fat cheese will help in fighting plaque and mouth odor.

Aromatic spices

By the name itself it is understood that chewing some of the aromatic seeds like cloves, cardamoms, or fennel seeds after every meals will eliminate bad breath, as these spices contains antimicrobial properties.

Apple cider vinegar

Excessive gas in your body results in bad breath, gas exiting from mouth makes the breath smelly. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with water before every meal makes the digestion process to run more smoothly.

Include raw foods in your diet

Raw foods such as vegetables and crunchy fruits including celery, carrots, and apples respectively are very rich in fibre and fights bad breath effectively.
These raw foods help you in scraping out the plaque, which causes mild bad breath. Along with this raw foods acts as supplements in providing nutrients that help in immune-boosting. They also help in triggering bacteria-fighting saliva production inside your mouth.

Gargle salt water

Gargling salt water will help you in eliminating bacteria present in your tonsils and throat. Crystal salt is highly recommended for salt water gargle.


You might find the use of colon cleanse in order to control bad breath, when body toxic levels reaches the limit. Once done with the colon cleanse move on to a liver cleanse for better results.


Use a mouth spray or mouthwash to provide a temporary solution for your bad breath problem. But choose a mouthwash that doesn’t have alcohol.  Intake of alcohol may enhance the risk of oral cancer.
Follow all these home remedies to control bad odour and attain oral health. Start today and give your best to keep your smelling mouth fresh.

How To Get Rid Of Frizzy Hair Naturally

Well, taming frizzy hair can be incredibly frustrating if you haven’t tried effective remedies and take care of it. Even if you are using fancy hair products or taking consulting from hair expert, you still need to care at home to sustain your hair health. By following some simple home remedies for frizzy hair you can give it shiny, silky and sexy look. I am about to tell you some fabulous approach for easing your frizzy hair.
All of these remedies are tested and proven by individuals. Best suggestion is to take one for yours; and stick for few days to get best results.

Effective Home Remedies for Frizzy Hair

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1. Hot Oil Massage
Yes you may have heard a lot about it; but did you implement it in proper ways. To get rid of frizzy hair the old extra virgin olive oil comes to play again. Hopefully you can also have a great hair if you use it in the right ways like thousands of people easing their hair with this simple tips.
There is no big science behind this remedy if you haven’t known how to do it at home. First take some pure extra virgin oil in a pot and warm it for 2-4 minutes. Then let it cold down at room temperature so that it becomes tolerable on your scalp. Adding 2 tablespoons of honey can add extra benefit because it will help to smooth the hair fiber. Then apply this oil and gently massage it on your scalp and root to top. Take a plastic bag or hot towel and wrap your head with covering hair so that it can hold the moisture. Now let it stay for 1 hours and shampoo with conditioning your hair as usual. And finally see the magic of one of the oldies but goodies home remedies for frizzy hair.
You can also apply coconut oil, Castrol oil, almond oil or rosemary oil and follow the same process.
2. Egg with Extra Virgin Olive Oil
The egg contains natural amino acid that is highly beneficial for smothering hair and revitalize follicle of hair. Take a egg and apart yolk white part from it. Now mix it with olive oil and lemon and leave it for 30 minutes to dissolve. Apply and rinse it after 20 minutes through regular shampoo process.
3. Fruit Pest
Fruits pest is one of the very effective home remedies for frizzy hair. Avocado and banana mask is especially used to smothering and moisturizing fizzy hair. Make paste of ripe banana and avocado and massage it and leave it for 20 minutes. Before you finished out washing process, rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar which is a best natural conditioner.
4. Alcohol
Yes you heard it right. Many people use it as a good home remedy for frizzy hair. Beer will make your hair shiny and smooth.  Rinse your hair with beer or just spay on hair. After few minutes smell of bear will gone and your hair will be more shiner and smother.
5. Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar considered as best natural healer for almost every types of hair. Using apple cider vinegar is simple. Just wash your hair as you naturally do and then use ACV to rinse finally after shampoo. Mix same amount of water with vinegar to lessen the amount of acid. Then wash off your hair properly.
6. Lemon and Honey
Lemon and honey is a great natural ingredient that can helps you to get rid of fizzy hair. Pour lemon juice on a pot and mix pure honey with it. Then apply this mixture for few minutes and rinse with deep shampoo and conditioning. These two ingredients are less used yet effective home remedies for frizzy hair.

How To Get Rid Of Lice Naturally

13 Effective Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Nasty Head Lice

Head lice infestation can be one of the most annoying things to deal with, not only for the person whose head has been infested, but also for the people around. It is sneakily contagious and can cause a lot of distress, not to mention severe itching and burning.
The word lice takes me down memory lane. A good two decades ago, my mum would caution me to stay away from kids who had lice; they were ‘dirty’ according to her. Well a lice infestation does not mean someone is dirty! If you have kids, they are bound to come back from school with a few lice in their head that needs immediate attention!

Best Home Remedies for Lice:

Given below are the top effective and safe home remedies for lice in hair. They help you get rid of the lice and nits completely.

1. Mayonnaise Mask:

That’s right – mayonnaise! Rub it generously on the affected scalp, cover it with a shower cap and leave it overnight. This will smother the lice and you can shampoo the next morning to get rid of the bodies. Remember to remove the nits that may remain, by hand.

2. Petroleum Jelly Mask:

Similar to the mayo mask, rub generous amounts of petroleum jelly into the affected scalp and keep covered until the next morning. Use baby oil to remove the jelly along with the lice. Wash the hair well with shampoo to remove the jelly completely. Continue this treatment for as many nights as required.

3. Neem Oil:

Adding neem oil to your regular shampoo is also known to kill head lice. So either mix the oil with your regular shampoo or use a shampoo that has neem oil as its primary ingredient to get rid of these irritating pests.

4. ACV:

Apple cider vinegar, when rubbed vigorously into the infested scalp, before and after showering, is said to be an effective home remedy for lice. Keep it on for a few minutes after rubbing and towel dry the hair to remove the lice from it.

5. Hair Straightener:

Try using a hair straightener. This is also one of the best head lice home remedies. The heat from the plates will paralyze or kill the lice and they’ll just fall off the hair. This is also effective in removing nits along with the lice.

6. Mixed Oils:

Here’s a recipe that will help you get rid of head lice.
  • ¼ cup mustard oil
  • 1/8 cup neem tel
  • 5 drops tea tree oil
  • 5 drops eucalyptus oil
  • 5 drops rosemary oil
  • 5 drops lavender oil
First, rinse the scalp with apple cider vinegar. Then, apply the above mentioned mixture to it, leave it overnight, and shampoo the next day.Repeat for 5 days to remove lice completely.

7. Garlic and Lemon:

Make a paste of garlic cloves and lemon juice. Apply this on the infected scalp; leave it on for half an hour and shampoo to get rid of lice and the garlicky scent.

8. Mouthwash:

Surprised? Well, it seems that your ever-faithful mouthwash, when warmed slightly and sprayed generously on the hair can help kill head lice. Cover the head with a shower cap and leave it overnight. Shampoo the hair next morning to wash away the lice.

9. Water and White Vinegar:

Wondering what to do with that bottle of white vinegar that you bought on a whim? Use it along with water in a 1:1 ratio on a louse-infested scalp, rinse, and wash it to get rid of lice once and for all.

10. Oil Treatment:

Combine half a cup of olive oil with 20 drops of any essential oil. Apply this oil mixture onto the infested scalp and leave it overnight. Shampoo the hair next morning to rid your head of the nasty creatures.

11. Wet Combing:

Wet combing is the most effective and easy way to treat head lice. Coat your hair well with almond or olive oil. Then, separate the hair into sections. As you continue, keep rinsing your lice comb under running water regularly.

12. Tea Tree Oil Treatment:

Being a natural louse repellent, tea tree oil is a good way to prevent hair lice infections. Whenever there is a head lice outbreak at your child’s school, use a tea tree oil shampoo and conditioner as a preventive cure.

13. Using Electric Lice Combs:

This battery operated electric comb uses electric discharge to kill lice instantly as soon as they come in contact. Comb your hair using electric lice comb to safely remove all traces of lice from your hair.
These are some of the very effective home remedies for lice in hair to render your hair and scalp lice free. So next time, when you spot these bugs on your child’s head, try any of these top 13 tricks for treating hair lice and knock them out completely.

Other Effective Treatments to Cure Head Lice:

It is important to treat a lice infestation as soon as it is detected to prevent it from spreading from one person to another. If you or someone you know is suffering from a head full of lice, you can also try these OTC chemical treatments.

14. Treatment Using Dimeticone Lotion:

Dimeticone lotion is a silicone based insecticide. It is often used in toiletries and makeup products. The lotion should be applied twice, once in 7 days. The lotion should be left on the scalp for about 8 hours overnight and washed off with shampoo and water. This lotion is formulated to block the tubes through which the lice breathe and block the way the lice pass out water, which results in killing them.

15. Treatment Using Isopropyl Myristate and Cyclomethicone Solution:

This lotion is a physical insecticide used in the treatment of lice. It works just like Dimeticone. The application of this lotion must be left on the scalp for about 10 minutes. Then the hair must be combed with a fine toothed comb to remove lice. Then shampooing is required to remove the solution. This treatment should again be repeated after a week’s time. This procedure is advisable even for asthma patients and for children above the age of 2.

16. Benzyl Alcohol Lotion:

This lotion is formulated to block the louse’s breathing tube, resulting in asphyxiation. However this treatment does not kill nits. Two applications of this lotion are required. This lotion can be used both on infants who are 6 months of age as well as on adults. This lotion might cause eye and skin irritation, so be a little careful. Follow up with a good shampoo and use a nit comb to remove nits and dead lice from the scalp.

17. Treatment Using CAY Spray:

CAY spray contains coconut, anise and ylang ylang. It is a physical insecticide and works similar to Dimeticone. Apply the spray to the hair and scalp and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then comb your hair with a fine toothed comb to remove lice and then shampoo your hair to remove the spray. This treatment should be repeated again in 7 days. This treatment is not advisable for children younger than 2 years of age, people with any skin irritations and asthma patients.

18. Treatment Using Malathion Lotion:

Malathion is a chemical insecticide, which has been used since a long time to treat head lice problem. This lotion should be applied twice, once in 7 days. Each application of this lotion should be left on hair for about 12 hours and then washed off with shampoo and water. This lotion can be applied on children above the age of 6 years. This treatment works by paralyzing and killing the lice and eggs. This lotion is flammable, so stay away from flammable substances.
The only way to ensure that any of these treatments for lice work effectively is to stick to them! Don’t stop using even after the head is free from infestation. Also, ensure that all combs, shower caps, pillow cases, bed sheets, blankets, towels, etc., used are thoroughly sterilized in boiling water before you use them again. This will prevent the recurrence of infestation from any bugs or nits that might have stayed behind on them. Happy lice hunting!

How to get rid of dandruff Fast and Permanently

Home remedies to remove dandruff
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Dandruff is a very difficult scalp condition to deal with, and when left untreated, it can get quite severe and tough to eliminate. Fortunately, there are actual ways to effectively get rid of even the most severe dandruff with ease. However, before trying to treat anything, it is highly vital that you learn about all the causes of this condition so that you know how to properly terminate the main source of your dandruff. No matter how bad your dandruff is, there will always be new and improved treatments that can work for you.
Causes of Dandruff
The exact main cause of dandruff or also known as Pityriasis simplex capillitii is unfortunately not known. Fortunately many experts have agreed that dandruff does not appear because of poor hygiene. There are a couple potential causes to dandruff that can increase your risk to getting the condition.
- Lack of brushing hair
A common cause to dandruff is the lack of brushing your hair. The reason to this is that the brush actually helps to aid the shedding skin from continuously drying up. The more you brush your hair, the more moisture your scalp will be able to retain.
– Yeast 
Quite a lot of people that are sensitive to yeast tend to be more prone to getting dandruff. This basically has given doctors the knowledge in knowing that yeast can be a factor to dandruff appearing. However, due to the fact that weather, stress related problems, and other lifestyle changes can cause the skin on the scalp to dry up, yeast may not have an effect to dandruff production at all.
- Certain hair products
There are quite a lot of products out there that contain chemicals that can dry up the scalp and make you more prone to dandruff. Research has also stated that using too much shampoo or conditioner can cause the scalp to be more sensitive.
A couple other factors that can produce dandruff include stress, diet, constant sun exposure, fungus inflammation, and even naturally dry skin. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to treat your dandruff even with the regular house products you already own.
How to get rid of dandruff
In order to get rid of your dandruff, it is very important that you find what is mainly causing it to occur. If you are noticing your life is getting a little stressful, or if any of the above aspects apply to your life, then maybe it is time to make a small modification in your lifestyle. Obviously, if you have dry skin, you will have to moisturize more often than usual, and if your diet is the cause, changing your diet will be advised. Once you have been able to pinpoint one of the main factors to your dandruff production, you can then be able to find a treatment that best suits your situation.
The best home remedies for dandruff
- Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera is one of the most effective natural moisturizers out there. It helps to really go deep into the roots of the scalp to help maintain and retain moisture. It is important however to use the purest form of this natural plant if you wish to receive the most benefits from it. If you would like, consider buying your own aloe Vera plant, and just squeeze out the juice whenever you need to apply it on your dandruff. To make the get the most out of this plant, consider to also apply it before you go to bed, then rinse it when you wake up. Aloe Vera can also help to prevent hair fall.
- Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is also a really great natural treatments for dandruff, as it can help to really provide extensive moisture to even the driest dandruff. After you take a shower, rub and massage a pinch of coconut oil all throughout your head to provide the needed moisture your scalp needs to be less prone to dandruff.
In conclusion, it is important that you consult a professional to understand the unique type of dandruff you have. The moment you find out the root cause of your dandruff, you will then be able to really eliminate the dryness of this scalp condition while at the same time prevent it from coming back.

Friday, 5 September 2014

How To Prevent Split Ends

Tips to Prevent Split Ends

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  • Do not brush wet hair.
  • Try to avoid excessive usage of hair stylers.
  • Avoid excessive usage of cosmetic products.
  • Cover your hair with a bandana or scarf while going out.
  • Get your hair trimmed every 2 months.
  • Use hair brushes having nylon bristles.
  • Condition your hair, thrice in a week.
  • Do not use hot water to rinse your hair.
  • Detangle your hair with a wide toothed comb.
  • Retain moisture in your hair by oiling them.
  • Drink a lot of water.

Hair Treatments For Split Ends

20 Home Remedies for Treating Split Ends

Hair is the most essential adornment of a human body, which enhances its splendour. Imagine yourself without hair…. certainly you would not like it! There is an average of 1,50,000 strands on a human head. They have to fight almost every day with pollution, sun, dust, wind and not to mention, the curlers, straighteners, dryers, gels, serums and a variety of beauty products. This lavish treatment, given to the hair, looks great on a specific occasion, but regular use of these treatments parch and ruin your hair. That is why; it is no wonder, why most of the women complaint of having frizzy and dry hair with split ends.
Split ends are the result of fraying of the hair shaft due to excessive heat, mechanical stress, and dryness. Well, the good news is that now there is no requirement to reach out to a heavily expensive salon! Just open your refrigerator and kitchen cupboard, and you will definitely find a way out for treating the split ends.

Causes of Split Ends

  • Over washing
  • Exposure of hair to the sun, heat, dust and pollution.
  • Excessive use of hair styling tools, like curlers and straighteners.
  • Excessive use of hair styling cosmetics, like gels, serums, and sprays.
  •  Washing of hair with hot water.
  • Using inferior quality combs, pins, and headbands.
  •  Lack of routine maintenance, like cutting and trimming.
  • Over using chemical treatments, like hair colour, perms, etc.
  • Not oiling the hair properly.
  • Showering your hair with hard water, like chlorine mixed water of pools.

Home Remedies for Split Ends

1. Egg
One of the ever best remedies to make your strands free from split ends, dryness, and dullness is the application of egg. There are various ways, in which, the egg can be applied to your hair.
  • You can apply egg mixed with olive oil/almond oil and honey as a hair mask, and wash off after 30-45 minutes.
  • A beaten egg with a spoon of water can also be applied as shampoo.
  • You can also pour orange juice and a banana in two eggs and apply as a hair mask. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off.
These remedies are really effective in treating your hair from the problem of split ends.
2. Papaya
Take a ripe papaya and half cup of yogurt. Blend them to get a pulpy paste. You can apply this as a hair mask for about 30 minutes and wash off. This will give your hair sheen and solace from split ends.
3.  Castor Oil
Massage your hair with castor oil, mixed with mustard and olive oil, to get split ends free hair. Keep it for 30 minutes, and wrap with a towel or shower cap. Afterwards, rinse it off with shampoo.
4. Cream
Mix a tbsp of cream with half cup of milk. Whisk it thoroughly. Apply this mixture to your hair for 15 minutes and wash it out.
5. Honey
Honey is a great treatment for split ends. Mix a spoon full of honey and some curd. Give a massage to your hair with this mix, especially at the hair ends. Let this mixture stay on your strands for 20 minutes and rinse it out afterwards. This mixture will not only relieve you from split ends, but will also confer your hair with a gorgeous lustre.
6. Beer
Beer is actually good for your hair and is considered as a great conditioner. Rinse your hair with beer after shampooing them and you will be really amazed to see the shine and gleam into your hair. Rinsing your hair every time with beer, whenever you shampoo, will help your hair in trouncing the problem of split ends.
7. Avocado
Mash an avocado and massage it in your damp hair, coating the split ends. Rinse it out after thirty minutes. If required, some olive oil can also be used into it.
8. Olive Oil
Give your hair a relaxing and effective spa with warm olive oil. Massage your hair gently with olive oil. You can either keep it overnight or wash it after an hour.
9. Coconut Oil
Coconut oil is again a great oil therapy to combat with almost all the hair problems.  Massage your hair with warm coconut oil to treat split ends, dullness, and hair fall.
10. Chamomile Tea
To constrain split ends and frizzed hair, give your hair a rinse of chamomile tea. Steep a few chamomile tea bags in boiling water. Let it cool. Rinse your hair with this solution to liberate your hair from split ends.
11. Shea Butter
Apply this effective butter on your hair after washing them. Massage your damp hair with Shea butter and dry them naturally. Within a few days, you will see that you are getting relief from frizzy hair and split ends.
12. Cocoa Butter
Cocoa butter is also a good choice to treat split ends. It is used same as Shea butter.
13. Argan Oil
Massaging your hair with argan oil can solace you with a variety of hair problems, like dry hair, split ends, dullness, and frizzy hair.
14. Clarified Butter or Ghee
Clarified butter or ghee can give extremely healthy and nourished hair. Massage your hair with warm clarified butter and keep it overnight. Rinse it out properly the next morning with lukewarm water.
15. Dal or Black Lentil Pack
Take ½ cup of black lentil and grind it to get a smooth powder. Add a spoon full of fenugreek seeds. Now, mix this with a cup of yogurt. Apply this to your hair for two hours and wash off with a mild shampoo afterwards.
16. Jojoba Oil
Jojoba oil can be mixed with your shampoo or conditioner while washing your hair to get soft and nourished hair. This remedy is also great for curing split ends.
17. Mayonnaise
Mayonnaise…. Yes, you heard it right! Mayonnaise is an excellent treatment for your dry hair suffering from split ends. Simply apply mayonnaise on your hair twice a week, especially on split ends.
18. Banana
Mash a ripe banana. Add an egg, some honey and a little milk into mashed banana and apply it as a hair mask. Wash and rinse after half an hour.
19. Fenugreek
Make a fine paste of ground fenugreek seeds and curd.  Use this as a hair pack. Wash it after two hours to get silky smooth hair. This natural home remedy will also treat your split ends.
20. Vitamin E Capsules
Mix the oil of 2-3 Vitamin E capsules in lukewarm water and massage the split strands with it. This is an effective remedy to treat split ends.