originally by http://www.elegantmiss.com/
Today, we have for you a guide to making the big-daddy of home-made face-peels. And the method is ridiculously simple!
There are a few variations of this recipe, and – whilst those who follow this method swear by its benefits – results can vary. Some people have even reported good results by substituting almond milk for the regular milk that this recipe calls for. What is certain, is that many chronic sufferers of blackheads have found this to be the most effective method of removing them clear out of their pores.
Now – a word of caution. Making this product involves heating the raw mixture up in a microwave. Please, please, please, take particular care before applying this to your face (or any other sensitive body part, for that matter!); though the product needs to be applied very quickly after heating, try a little on (for example) the back of your hand first to avoid burning, or any other unfavorable reaction.
And a second word of caution. If you do not want to lose eyebrows or other facial hair, or, if parts of your skin are especially sensitive – think twice about using this method. Eyebrowshave been lost or unintentionally “groomed” – so, you have been warned. A worthwhile precautionary measure would be to apply a little vaseline to your eyebrows or other sensitive parts, to avoid a strong adhesion.
Ok, so that’s the disclaimers over with! Here’s what you will need :
- 1 tablespoon of powdered/granulated, unflavored gelatine (any brand
will do); - 1-2 tablespoons of milk;
- a few drops of your favorite essential oil (optional);
Notes :
- with experimentation, even a leaf or two of a sheet gelatine could suffice;
- the essential oil is optional. You might like to add a few drops to mask the unpleasant smell of the concoction, but it’s not necessary. Remember, though, that you will be applying this to your skin – so think carefully about what you are adding!
- you might like to have some tea tree oil or witch hazel to hand, to reward your skin once the peel has been removed!
Have your ingredients ready and – importantly, if you want to maximize the effects of the peel, give your face (or wherever you are going to apply the mask) a thorough wash. This helps with adhesion, and can improve the overall results.
So, here’s how things look before we start :
Once you have the gelatin in your (microwave-safe) mixing container, add 1-2 tablespoons of milk and give your concoction a brisk stir with a spatula or any (preferably disposable) stirrer. I tend to use 1 1/2 tablespoons myself, but your mileage may vary. If this is the first time you have made the this mixture, I would suggest that you try 1 1/2 tablespoons of milk – you can always make adjustments next time around.
Step 1 – mix the ingredients
So, here is what your mixture will resemble, in terms of texture (it’s a little like the ‘gludgy’ texture of flour and water). It will mix very quickly, by the way – a few seconds is all it takes.
Remembering that this peel must be applied quickly after heating, give one last thought to your preparations : have you prepared your skin with a good warm wash and dry? Do you have handy the spatula (or other instrument) that you will use to apply the peel?
Note that, though my photo (above) includes a bottle of a natural, scented oil, I tend not to add a few drops until the mix is heated; after all, who wants to eat a microwave dinner smelling of sandalwood?! So, I recommend that you add any oil after the mix is out of the oven.
Step 2 – microwave the concoction
Remembering that not all microwaves are created equally, give some thought to how long you will set your timer for. I have a fairly high wattage unit, and heat for 15 seconds on theHigh setting. Now, don’t get too hung up on this – the ingredients for this cost next to nothing, and the mix only takes a minute or two to prepare. If you make a mistake, or get your estimates incorrect – start again!
Anyhow, you will notice that once you take the mixture out of your microwave, its consistency will have become much smoother (still slightly thick…but smoother). A number of people have complained about the smell of this mixture and , I’ll not lie – it doesn’t smell pleasant – but it’s really not that bad. Either way, you’ll see for yourself.
Here’s what the mix will look like, straight out of the microwave :
Remember, if you wish to add any scented oils, this is a good time. But, be quick – this stuff hardens very quickly!
Step 3 – apply your mask to your skin
Apply the gloop to your face with your spatula, aiming for a smooth coverage. Don’t make your mask too thick, as the drying time will be just too long! In fact, it might not dry sufficiently if you do this.
Step 4 – wait! Let your mask dry thoroughly
You will need to avoid scrunching your face up or making any facial expressions for at least 30-45 minutes, but you will know when the mask is ready because you will have difficulty in doing so anyway!
I have read of people getting excellent results by quickening the drying time by using a hairdryer, and – to be honest – I cannot think of any reason that this would not work. So, if you are in a hurry, you could give this a try.
Step 5 – peel that sucker (literally!) off
Important – remember, the point of this mask is that you have a skin peel. So resist the temptation to wash it off. Only wash off the final remnants that you cannot peel. This part can hurt – it can hurt real bad, LOL! At this point you will learn how skilled you are at applying a mask whilst avoiding eyebrows and any other sensitive parts of your face!
If you are wondering what the peel looks like when it comes off, here’s a small sample that I applied to my (clean) forearm, for illustrative purposes. Oh – the lemon? It’s only there to give you a sense of scale!
Step 6 – reward your skin
We all love manufactured products, but this is the time to reward your skin with a thin application of tea-tree oil or a generous coating of witch hazel! Wonderful.
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